“ What’s important is not the fall…”, the voice continues, “ …it’s the landing.” Who of the two pulled the trigger first, we will never know. The camera catches the terrified eyes of Saïd who looks on in horror as a gunshot rings out. And as it falls, it keeps telling itself, ‘so far so good…so far so good’…” These ominous lines, spoken in the off as an overwrought inspector Notre Dame faces off with Hubert, the black kid from the dirt-poor Parisian suburbs angered by the killing of his friend at the cop’s hands that he had just witnessed, each holding a gun to the other’s head. It is one of most iconic scene in French movie history: “ This is the story of a society on its way down.

Actor Marc Duret, who played one of the pivotal characters in the French cult movie, reflects on the film and the current state of society, and shares what he is up to these days